Saturday, January 23, 2010

Long days night....

And we have been working like dogs!  Well, that isn't really true, dogs mostly lay around.  But we have been busy!  Did I say we were done??  I don't say this often, but it seems I was wrong.  Hopefully now we have finished and I have some awesome pictures to prove it.  Now I know the shelves are a little bare, but more items are coming in every day.  I will also post some more product spot lights!  As you can see, we cater to children as well as adults, and will not only have gifts but you will have several options to make that special gift extra special.  Some of the several services we will be providing is gift wrapping at our gift wrap station,
you can have your purchases made into a gift basket, with your choice of baskets, or you can even have your gift stuffed into a giant balloon!  There are so many ways to make the day of someone you love, and we are eager to be able to help you do it!  Don't worry ladies, we will have gifts for the men in your life with themes like hunting, fishing and poker.   Half the fun has been choosing all the wonderful things we have purchased for the store (ok, maybe more like 90% of the fun, because I have to tell you, once the paint choosing was over, the redo was not much on the fun side!).  We can't wait to see you at our grand opening!

1 comment:

  1. It looks soo good!! I cant wait to make the long drive to come check it all out...its going to be great :)
